Friday, November 16, 2007

Three things

Eep! Been a while. Just proof of what my life is like lately.

Three things I learned about my dog in the last week:
1. He loves big piles of leaves.
2. He thinks he likes snow.
3. He loves the taste of Vanilla Spice body butter.

Three things I don't want to do this weekend:
1. Clean
2. Shop for Thanksgiving
3. Clean

Three things I'm going to do this weekend:
1. Clean
2. Shop for Thanksgiving
3. Clean

Three things on the needles:
1. Fishy socks (original)
2. Ty's stocking (original)
3. Swallowtail shawl (Interweave Knits)

Three places to see before I die:
1. Trobriand Islands 9I want to see the Cricket)
2. Machu Pichu
3. India. All of it.

Maybe I can keep the next post to less than 4 months.

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