Right now I have my 10 year old laptop set up on a card table, and I'm sitting on a chair we borrowed from another office. I still don't have access to my files, but at least I can check my email, and was able to do some web updates. Yesterday I didn't even have this. I spent the day working on the Wildfoote socks for Dad. Mindless. Toe-up in a 2x2 rib. Better than staring at the walls, though!
Fortunately I got out of work at 3 pm. Unfortunately, I had to reinstall a glass panel solid core door by myself. Unfortunately, I also had to leave so I could make it to the vet.
Turns out we are losing Princess. She has a nasal tumor (common in older cats; she's 14) that is causing the bone around it to deteriorate. The vet is willing to refer us to an oncologist to talk about treatment, but this kind of tumor is extremely malignant, and hard to treat. I've decided, for her sake, it is better to work on the infection, and try to make her comfortable. Putting her through chemo and radiation would be for me, not for her. I don't know how much time she's got left.
I love you sweet girl, I'll miss you.
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