Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Almost Computerless

Someone needs to come to the office and take a picture. I've hardly checked my work email in three days, because I haven't had a computer. Because everything I work from is packed up. Because in the merger, we need smaller furniture so we can squish more people into our witty-bitty-building.

Right now I have my 10 year old laptop set up on a card table, and I'm sitting on a chair we borrowed from another office. I still don't have access to my files, but at least I can check my email, and was able to do some web updates. Yesterday I didn't even have this. I spent the day working on the Wildfoote socks for Dad. Mindless. Toe-up in a 2x2 rib. Better than staring at the walls, though!

Fortunately I got out of work at 3 pm. Unfortunately, I had to reinstall a glass panel solid core door by myself. Unfortunately, I also had to leave so I could make it to the vet.

Turns out we are losing Princess. She has a nasal tumor (common in older cats; she's 14) that is causing the bone around it to deteriorate. The vet is willing to refer us to an oncologist to talk about treatment, but this kind of tumor is extremely malignant, and hard to treat. I've decided, for her sake, it is better to work on the infection, and try to make her comfortable. Putting her through chemo and radiation would be for me, not for her. I don't know how much time she's got left.

I love you sweet girl, I'll miss you.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I need a slogan

Talk of the Nation is doing a bit today on online dating. According to the expert they are interviewing today, we all need a slogan. What should it be? Maybe I'll think about it and try tomorrow.

Boss is feeling "antsy" and "cranky" (her words) today. Guess how my day is going?

-I won't be traveling
-I'm losing my business credit card
-I am no longer supervising anyone
-I have to get stuff that is normally due in July done TOMORROW
-My to-do list has 107 items on it (I just checked)

I know this is supposed to be a promotion, but it really doesn't feel like it. At least I'll be making a whole extra $3000 per year for this.

I'd like to say tomorrow will be better, but tomorrow is packing day.

OK. Today's good news: the viciously hot weather broke last night (in a series of similarly vicious thunderstorms) and now it is absolutely beautiful out, so I'm taking Puppy and Hubby out for a long walk tonight.

Wait, this should make me feel better.

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Ahh! That helped.

Need. To. Knit.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It is now 5:42. My office closed at 4:30 today. And yet, here I am.

There is great truth to the phrase "shit rolls downhill."

Currently, Boss feels overwhelmed. Which means I am overwhelmed. However, not too overwhelmed to read what the Harlot had to say today. Very nice commentary on public displays of venom. It almost makes me feel bad about what I wrote about Bear Grylls yesterday.

But, dudes, he drank water from elephant dung...I can't feel that bad.

Monday, June 18, 2007


This little quiz is a good time:

It was offered up by a poster at Katie MacAlister's Blog. I'm not sure this represents me, but it's still pretty neat:

I'm not sure where the weekend went. There was some grocery shopping, and some walking in the park, but mostly it somehow got eaten by Man vs. Wild. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing he ever ate. Ya know, Bear Grylls (great name) would be pretty smokin'

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if it weren't for all the freaky stuff he eats

I'm sorry I don't have a picture of the live frog he ate. Or the live snake. Or the live trout. I swear, this guy could give Ozzy a run for his money.

Friday, June 15, 2007

All alone! Yes!

Today's good news: I have the entire office to myself today, which means two things:
  1. I have gotten a Billy-Fucillo-HUGE amount of work done today; and
  2. I brought puppy with me to work.
He's actually been really great, spent most of the day lying on the floor chewing on his toys (the puppy, not Billy).

Helping me in the office

Lunch in the park:

Yes, that nose is as wet as it looks

I'd write about knitting, but ever since that nose has appeared in my life, lace-weight mohair has gone away. He's great, but he doesn't respect the knitting like the Knitty Kitty.

Puppy demands more energetic hobbies that knitting.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

United 300

Because I'm inappropriately obsessed with Gerard Butler:

I know everyone's seen it already, but it cracks me up every time.

Today's good news: I held my temper through the search committee meeting. I mean, come on, out of 62 posts, only 13 were even worth using the paper to print out? What's that about?

Oh! More good news! I won a copy of Stray over at the lovely Gena Showalter's place!

In honor of the Yarn Harlot I've decided to take up the cause of the travelling sock! Picked up some Wildfoote from Brown Sheep in Woodstock. I think I'll try my first toe-ups, since I'm making this pair for men. Or maybe I'll buy yet another a skein for myself for travelling. Hmmm...generous or selfish? What to do?

"Then tonight we dine in CLEVELAND!!!!"

Sorry, had to put that one in there. Hi, Dad!

Monday, June 11, 2007

75 emails!

First day back at work.

Mind you, I only missed 3 days. During the summer. I came in this morning, to 75 new emails! only ten of them were junk! And I wonder why I get nothing done during the day. I still haven't gotten anything done today.

Hubby took me out shooting for the first time while we were at Camp. I'm still not thrilled with having the gun in the house, but he's a cop, so it's here. Since I don't get a vote on this one, I decided that if it's going to be here, I need to understand everything about it. So...we went shooting.

Hubby is supposed to be going to armorer and firearms instructor school soon, so I think he was using me as a guinea pig. I'm still not sure how I feel about the experience, but it turns out I'm kinda good at it. Who knew?

Hey, how about that Sopranos ending, huh? Paired with the Frug's Pasta Bolognese and the Colossi Rosso I bought in Woodstock. Going to have to look for that one in Syracuse.

Today's good news: I ate lunch in the Rose Garden.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Two things...

...that shouldn't mix. And yet, I keep trying. It turns out OK if I keep my expectations low.

Currently on the needles:

1) Plain vanilla garter rib pullover in worsted wool, denim color. Size: too large to think about knitting in the middle of summer.

2) Mohair blend lace shawl. It's supposed to be a break from the oh-so-boring wool sweater. Unfortunately, with the arrival of Puppy, not much happening on this either. I tried to work on it one night while hubby was entertaining puppy, but that only lasted for two rows before puppy decided it was his turn to knit. Of course, without opposable thumbs, that doesn't work so well.

Puppy is on a post-lunch break at the moment, but the timer is going off, which means that, instead of taking that precious hour to knit, I just spent it setting up a blog no one is ever going to read. Brilliant with the prioritizing.

BTW, all characters will be referred to in generic terms until I can decide if I can keep this thing both positive and clean.

We'll see.